Calendar of Events for the Week of September 29, 2024: Monday - 5:30pm - Karate Tuesday - 11:00am - Stephen ministry Supervision Wednesday - 11:00am - Bible Study; 7:00pm - Bible Study Thursday - 5:30pm - Karate Friday - Saturday -
INSTALLATION SERVICE - Join us on Sunday November 3rd at 3PM for the Installation Service for our Pastor Cindy White. Bishop DeForest of the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod of the ELCA will be with us that afternoon. A time of fellowship and refreshments will follow. Make this important date on your calendar!
SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS NEEDED!! - We are in need of Sunday School teachers for grades Pre-K through 2nd Grade and 5th & 6th grades. All material is provided. A sign-up sheet is on the table in the parlor with open dates. Please prayerfully consider helping in this important ministry.
CHRISTIAN EDUCATION COORDINATOR NEEDED - This position is open and much needed. You may get a job description from the office. This is a paid position of an average of 10 hours per week. You may work as a team with someone. Please see Pastor Cindy or Cindy Derr for more information.
WE NEED YOU! - It takes the time and talents of many to remain a vibrant and active congregation of God’s people faithful to the mission Christ gives us. Please prayerfully consider offering your time and talents to Christ Church. An interest worksheet has been included for you to check off the ministries that you currently participate in and to indicate interest in other opportunities for participation. Additional worksheets are available in the church parlor and in the back of the church by the bulletins. Please place completed worksheets in the basket provided. Thank you for your participation was we continue to minister as members of Christ Church, Conyngham.
NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER - Please note the deadline for all articles, information, etc. for the November newsletter is October 20th!!
BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS - The October 5th - 5 PM Saturday Evening worship service at Christ Lutheran Church will include Blessing of the Animals (Pets and their people). The service will be held in the outdoor worship space unless weather forces us into our social hall (Roth Hall). Bring your pets to worship and for a special blessing. The service will also include a time for lighting candles in memory and gratitude of beloved pets.
BIBLE STUDIES - Wednesday night Bible Study is 7-8 pm. We are reading Deuteronomy. We will have study outside, if the weather is favorable. If not, we will be in the parlor. There is no homework in this class. We're a group of people dedicated to reading the Bible from start to finish and discussing it. Join us anytime.
Wednesday morning Bible Studies are the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month at 11 am.
THANKSGIVING VALLEY FOOD PANTRY BASKETS - Our church has been asked to provide gravy for the Thanksgiving distribution. Coffee is always needed, too. We are collecting for 60 families. Please have them here at our church by Sunday November 10th!! Place your donations in the designated boxes inside the front door. Thank you. ALSO-The food pantry has requested donations of all varieties of canned vegetables. Please place your donation sin the grocery cart in the vestibule.
WILLING WORKERS COVERED DISH - The Willing Workers will meet on Tuesday, October 8th at 12:00pm for our covered dish luncheon. We will have our meeting and games afterwards. All women of the church are invited. For more information, contact Deb Jones at 570-233-7675 or
FAMILY FUN AND GAME NIGHT - All are invited to attend a Family Fun & Game Night on October 13th from 5pm-?? in Roth Hall. We have a really great time. Feel free to being your favorite game, a friend, and a snack to share. All ages are welcome-we hope to see you there! If you have any questions, please contact the Fryes (Chuck & Jean) at 570-788-5700 or Deb Jones at 570-233-767
APPLE FEST 2024 - Volunteers are needed for our annual event. Dates are the days prior to the Fest at 9am on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday October 16th, 17th and 18th. Also, the day of the Apple Fest the 19th. Please see the sign-up sheets on the table in the back of the church and indicate day(s) and times you can help!!! Please sign-up to bake for the bake sale and to bake an apple pie, too.
TRASH TO TEASURE FLEA MARKET/ANTIQUE TREASURE ITEMS NEEDED - Items to be donated for the Apple Feast Flea Market and Antique Treasures may be brought to the church weekdays at 9am. Items should be taken to the Youth RoomThis is located next to the elevator on the lower level. Carts are available by the back door on the kitchen side and in the hallway by the elevator on the lower level. If you have larger items, please contact Deb Jones at 570-233-7675 to make arrangements for drop off. REMEMBER: NO clothes or electronics.
ADVENT DEVOTIONAL BOOKLET - The time is here and writers are needed! Please sign-up on the sheet in the narthex to be one of our devotional writers. Readings are available for you to choose from. Make sure you mark which day of the season you choose on the sign-up sheet next to your name. Then write a few thoughts about the verse, or just some feelings and ideas about the Advent/Christmas season. Then, end with a prayer. This has become an annual event that many people look forward to receiving. The sample booklet from last year is on display for you to look at. E-mail ( your writing to the church office by Sunday November 10th or drop it off at the office.
CASTING OUR NETS - Next meting date is Tuesday November 12th at 7pm. NO October meeting.
QUILTING GROUP - Next quilting is Thursday November 7th at 9am. NO October quilting.
TRUNK OR TREAT - Still waiting on information. Watch for more details to be announced.
SAMARITANS PURSE CHRISTMAS SHOE BOXES - You can fill your shoebox by picking items for the girl/boy and age ONLINE or have them fill the shoebox for you @ Operation Christmas Child under “Build A Shoebox Online”. The cost is $25.00. We will have shoeboxes and labels available for you to use if you still wish to fill your own. Pick up a brochure as the items allowed have changed and the cost per box for shipping is now $10. Boxes are due back by Sunday November 10th!
BOUNTIFUL GARDENS - The table to share your Bountiful Gardens produce is in the parlor. Individuals with extra produce from their gardens can leave it on the table before the Saturday or Sunday church services. If you would like any of the produce, we are asking for a free will donation which will be given to the Valley Food Pantry, along with any extra produce. When leaving your produce, please put it on the table in the parlor and NOT in the shopping cart.
DEVOTIONS ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE - Have you seen and read the devotional prayers that are posted periodically on our congregation’s Facebook page? Hopefully, when you read them, you will find encouragement and a sense of God’s peace as you go about your daily life.
LUTHERAN DISASTER RESPONSE - LDR is asking for gifts to help with the recent disasters and wars. The survivors/victims need our support. Checks may be out to the church and marked LDR.
Sunday October 20th at 3:00 pm at Christ Lutheran Church, Conyngham
Our church will be the last stop on the October tour of the original Off-Broadway musical by James Twyman. Brother James is a member of the Community of Francis and Clare, a NY Times bestselling author, an internationally famed “Peace Troubadour”, and an ordained Anglican/Episcopal priest.
His concert tours are part of Twyman’s effort to make St. Francis and his teachings relevant in this time of great social unrest. St. Francis, often regarded as the patron saint of animals, and pictured surrounded by birds, wolves, or an assortment of other forest creatures, is depicted on statues in gardens almost everywhere you look today. For most people, he’s little more than the “birdbath saint.” But his values of inclusion, respect for all living beings, and peaceful co-existence, are a clarion call in a modern world so divided and dissonant.
James-Francis Twyman travels across the country penniless, with whatever food, housing and further transportation people may provide, to get him from city to city. 100% of all proceeds from his performances go to support local services for the homeless. The collected offering at during his performance at our church will benefit the Willow Foundation’s Heartwood Center.
Hope to see you there, Brother Fred Jaxheimer, CFC
* The Historic Brainerd Church will be hosting our famous and much anticipated Fall Festival on Sunday, October 6 from 10 am - 4 pm.! All of Your favorites will be there: FOOD, Crafters, Attic Treasures, More! NEW this year to the Festival: HAZLETON CORVETTE CLUB will be there with their magnificent machines, and Brother Fred will be doing a BLESSING OF THE PETS! See you at the FALL FESTIVAL!
* Election Day Pasta Dinner at St. John Bosco Church – Tuesday November 5th from 3pm-7pm – Tickets are $13/adult-$6/children 10 year old and younger. Eat-in or take-out.
STEPHEN MINISTRY - Stephen Ministry multiplies blessings throughout the church and community:
•Congregations receive a practical and powerful way to respond to Christ’s commandment: “Love one another as I have loved you” (John 15:12 RSV).
•Pastors have a team of gifted, trained, and committed lay caregivers ready to minister to hurting people.
•Members develop and use their gifts in meaningful ministry, growing spiritually as they serve others.
•People who are hurting have a compassionate companion—a caring Christian friend who provides emotional and spiritual support.
If you are going through a challenging time, or if you know someone who is, please contact Deb Jones at 570-233-7675 or Pastor Cindy. Our Stephen Ministers are ready to bring God’s love and care to those in need. It’s a great way for you to show how much you care!