News and Announcements:    

Calendar of Events for the Week of December 8, 2024:
Monday - 5:30pm - Karate; 7:00pm - Congregation Council
Tuesday - 12:00pm - Willing Workers Christmas Party
Wednesday - 7:00pm - Bible Study
Thursday - 2:00pm - Choir Rehearsal; 6:00pm - Advent Covered Dish Dinner; 7:00pm - Service of Lessons & Carols
Friday -      
Saturday - 9:00am - Living Nativity Take-Down

THANKS FOR GIVING THANKS - Thanks to everyone for your very generous donations of personal care items for the clients of the Valley Food Pantry. Collecting of these items will be held quarterly with the next one scheduled for February. Again, thanks for giving thanks through your giving!

POINSETTIAS AND HUNGER APPEAL DONATIONS SOUGHT FOR CHRISTMAS - Orders for poinsettias are now being taken. There will NOT be a sign-up sheet. Please use the envelopes from the basket on the table in the narthex. And make sure the information on the envelope is complete and clear. Place it in the offering plate or return to the church office. Fifty poinsettias will be purchased and the balance of money received will go to the Hunger Appeal. All gifts will be listed in the bulletin on Christmas Eve. The cost of a poinsettia is $10.00, but any amount of your donation is appreciated. All donations must be in the church office by Sunday December 15th.

LESSONS AND CAROLS FOR ADVENT (POSTPONED TO DECEMBER 12) Prepare the way! Advent is a time to reflect on prophesies and events that foreshadow the coming of Christ. On Thursday December 12th, there will be a time of fellowship and preparation featuring a Service of Lessons and Carols for Advent. The evening begins at 6:00 PM with a ‘potluck’ dinner in Roth Hall. Lessons and Carols begin at 7:00 PM. Everyone, of all ages, is invited. Please feel free to attend the service even if you can’t make the dinner. The Good News Translation of the Bible is the source for our readings. We begin with the Lord’s Prayer and continue with the prophesies of Isaiah. We will move to Luke and the angel Gabriel’s message to Mary, then to Matthew for the announcement of the birth of Jesus. Advent would not be complete without the story, from Mark, of John the Baptist. We will close with words of assurance, from Romans, of the love of God through Christ. Take some time away from the busyness and business of this season to be calmed and refreshed with the words and music of Advent. Jesus is coming and soon will be here.

“CASTING OUR NETS” - The next gathering of the “Casting Our Nets” ministry group will be on December 15th immediately after the 10:30am worship. Feel free to see what this group is doing by joining in on the 10th.

NATIVITY SETS ON DISPLAY - Casting Our Nets will be hosting a display of Nativity Sets on Sunday January 5th from 9:30am-10:30am and Noon-2:00pm. The Nativity sets will be on display in the church windows and in Roth Hall. Everyone is welcome to attend!

If you have a Nativity set that you would like to share in the display, please bring it to Roth Hall on Saturday January 4th between 9am-11am. A sign-up sheet will be in the Parlor for anyone interested. If you are not able to bring your set on the 4th, please contact Jo Cvammen at 570-578-7068 to arrange for drop-off.

VALLEY FOOD PANTRY CHRISTMAS BASKETS - Our congregation has been asked to supply napkins for this collection. Coffee and tea are always needed. Monetary donations are always appreciated as the pantry is experiencing its second lowest treasury amount to buy needed items. Have items here by December 15th.

THE HEARTWOOD CENTER IS IN NEED OF: Plastic Forks, Men’s Boxers, Ladies Underwear, Toilet Paper, Dish Soap, Bookbags/Backpacks, Coffee Cups, Paper Plates, Large Garbage Bags. If you wish to donate any of these supplies, please place them in the bin in the parlor.

HAVE THAT ‘HARD TO BUY FOR’ PERSON ON YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST? Consider a gift to ELCA GOOD GIFTS. This includes God’s Global Barnyard and many other areas for donations for health care, food, plants, bibles, books, etc. An order form with all the information is on the table in the narthex on how to order, who to make your check out to and where to send your order. Also, cards are on the table to allow you to tell the recipient of your gift. Any questions, see Cindy.

2025 OFFERING ENVELOPES - The offering envelopes for the new year on the table in the parlor. Please pick up your pack. NOTE: The envelopes came in two sections this year; one pack for each half of the year. The two parts are banded together.

YEAR-END FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - Please note – all donations for 2024 MUST be in the church office by Sunday December 29th to appear on your 2024 statement. Thanks.
NEED A RIDE? - Would you like to come to church or go to a church event but are unable to get there on your own, especially at night? Please call Betsy Fisher (570-788-6611) if you would be interested in getting a ride, Church members have volunteered to offer this service.

SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS NEEDED!! - We are in need of Sunday School teachers for grades Pre-K through 2nd Grade and 5th & 6th grades. All material is provided. A sign-up sheet is on the table in the parlor with open dates. Please prayerfully consider helping in this important ministry.

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION COORDINATOR NEEDED - This position is open and much needed. You may get a job description from the office. This is a paid position of an average of 10 hours per week. You may work as a team with someone. Please see Pastor Cindy or Cindy Derr for more information.

BIBLE STUDIES - Wednesday night Bible Study is 7-8 pm. We are reading Samuel and about the kings of Israel. We will be in the parlor. Our group focuses on reading the Bible from start to finish and discussing it. Join us and hear God's Word.

Wednesday morning Bible Studies are the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month at 11am. We are using the workbook on ‘The Christian Walk.

APPLE SAUCE FOR SALE - Our world-famous apple sauce is for sale at $5.00 a quart. It will make a wonderful addition to your holiday meals. See Sue Oliver or Cindy Derr to purchase.
COOKIE SALE - The Willing Workers are holding a cookie sale in time for Christmas. Varieties are chocolate chunk, peanut butter, sugar and oatmeal raisin. Cost is $10 a dozen-$5 a 1/2 dozen. Look for an order form on the table in the parlor. Pick -up will be Friday December 20th from 4pm-6pm and Saturday December 21st from 11am-1pm. Order deadline is December 15th.

DEVOTIONS ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE - Have you seen and read the devotional prayers that are posted periodically on our congregation’s Facebook page? Hopefully, when you read them, you will find encouragement and a sense of God’s peace as you go about your daily life.
LUTHERAN DISASTER RESPONSE - LDR is asking for gifts to help with the recent hurricanes. Checks may be out to the church and marked LDR.
STEPHEN MINISTRY - What does the Stephen Ministry logo mean?  
The banner in the back of the church displays this symbol.  The broken person behind the cross symbolizes the brokenness in our lives due to our sin and imperfections. The whole person stands in front of the cross because it is only through the cross of Jesus that we are made whole. The circle symbolizes both the wholeness we receive through Christ and God’s unending love for us.  If you would like to know more about Stephen Ministry, please contact Deb Jones or Pastor Cindy through the church office. 
Our annual LIVING NATIVITY will be held Saturday December 7th & Sunday December 8th from 5pm-7pm each evening.
Sign-up sheets are on the table in the parlor for the many areas where help is needed, such as outside set-up, supplies needed and cookies and snacks for the nights of the Nativity along with the poster boards for the scenes on the bulletin board in the back of the church.
Saturday November 30th at 9AM
Saturday December 7th at 9AM
Sunday December 8th at 3PM
Saturday December 7th at 7pm
Sunday December 8th at 7pm
Saturday December 14th at 9AM
Thursday December 5th at 9AM
Please mark your calendars and see where you can help before, during and after the Living Nativity

SYNOD NEWS - Click Here! for weekly news from the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod. 
