News and Announcements:    

Calendar of Events for the Week of February 9, 2025:
Monday - 5:30pm - Karate; 7:00pm - Congregation Council
Tuesday - 11:00am - Stephen Ministry Supervision; 1:00pm - Willing Workers
Wednesday - 7:00pm - Bible Study
Thursday - 9:00am - Apple Fest Crafts; 1:00pm - Choir Rehearsal; 5:30pm - Karate
Friday -      
Saturday -        

CONGREGATIONAL MEETING SET FOR SUNDAY FEBRUARY 23rd FOLLOWING THE 10:45AM WORHSIP SERVICE - Please mark your calendars and plan to attend this important meeting. All year-end reports from committees will be presented. Also, important information on changing and updating our heating and air conditioning units will be discussed to decide on moving forward with this project! Committee chairpersons – all reports MUST be in the church office by Sunday February 9th to be included in the report.
DAFFODILS FOR SALE - American Cancer Society Daffodil Sale is being held. Deadline to order is February 19th and delivery date is March 21st. Cost is $10 for a 5-inch pot. See more information to order on the table in the parlor.

CHOIR REHEARSALS - are Thursdays at 1pm beginning February 13th to prepare for the Lent and Easter worship services. Join us each week or talk with Patt about singing with the choir. 570-956-2068. Come and sing praises to the Lord!!

WILLING WORKERS - will meet on Tuesday, February 11th at 1:00pm.  We will be putting together personal care bags for women at Ruth’s Place.  Ruth’s Place is Luzerne County's only 24/7 emergency shelter serving women experiencing homelessness.  All women of the church are invited to join us.  For more information, contact Deb Jones at 570-233-7675 or
MARCH NEWSLETTER - Please note the deadline for all articles, information, etc. for the March newsletter is February 16th!!

“LOVE ONE ANOTHER” - For the whole month of February our congregation and other areas in the Valley Food Pantry will put our love into action as we again collect personal care items for clients of the Valley Food Pantry. These items would be appreciated: toothpaste and toothbrushes for both adults and kids; bath soaps; shower gel; razors; shaving cream; skin cream; hand lotion; hand sanitizer; deodorant; shampoo; conditioner; feminine hygiene products; laundry detergent; mouth wash and what ever you use in your daily routine, none of which can be purchased using food stamps. During this “month of love” this is the perfect opportunity to live out Jesus’ new commandment to love one another.

WILLING WORKERS INDOOR YARD SALE SPRING FLING - This event will take place on Saturday March 29th from 9am-2pm. Here is how it works: Congregation members may purchase a table for $10. You MUST STAY at your table and sell your items. The proceeds are yours to keep. Unsold items may be donated to the Apple Fest Flea Market in October (except clothing, books and electronics that you had at your table). Food will be available for sale and a bake sale will be held. Donations of baked goods are appreciated. Several vendor/crafters will have displays (TBA).

For more information or to reserve a table call or the church office at 570-788-1572 or see the sign-up sheet on the table in the parlor. as soon as possible as space is limited. PLEASE NOTE- ONLY those sponsoring a table may bring items. NO other items will be accepted!!

2025 FLOWERS AND BULLETIN SPONSOR CHARTS ARE AVAILABLE - Look for the sign-up charts on the bulletin board in the parlor to choose your dates to sponsor. Special flower pieces need to be ordered through the office (i.e. altar piece).

NEED A RIDE? - Would you like to come to church or go to a church event but are unable to get there on your own, especially at night? Please call Betsy Fisher (570-788-6611) if you would be interested in getting a ride, Church members have volunteered to offer this service.

SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS NEEDED!! - We are in need of Sunday School teachers for grades Pre-K through 2nd Grade and 5th & 6th grades. All material is provided. A sign-up sheet is on the table in the parlor with open dates. Please prayerfully consider helping in this important ministry.

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION COORDINATOR NEEDED - This position is open and much needed. You may get a job description from the office. This is a paid position of $15 per hour with an average of 10 hours per week. You may work as a team with someone. Please see Pastor Cindy or Cindy Derr for more information.

DEVOTIONS ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE - Have you seen and read the devotional prayers that are posted periodically on our congregation’s Facebook page? Hopefully, when you read them, you will find encouragement and a sense of God’s peace as you go about your daily life.
LUTHERAN DISASTER RESPONSE - LDR is asking for gifts to help with the recent hurricanes. Checks may be out to the church and marked LDR. A special request has been made for the Los Angeles wildfires. 100% of all money donated goes directly to help those in need!! 

Please join us on Saturday/Sunday, February 15/16 for Stephen Ministry Saturday/Sunday.  Our Stephen Ministers will be sharing how they have seen God in action in their lives.  

Over the past year, our Stephen Ministers have been ministering to members of our congregation. Their training has provided them with the knowledge and skills to offer quality, distinctively Christian, one-to-one care to people suffering from many kinds of life difficulties. We ask God’s blessing on them and on their ministry in the weeks, months, and years ahead. We thank God for their gifts, and we ask God to work through them to bring help, hope, and healing to those in need.  As Galatians 6:2 tells us: "Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."

If you would like more information about Stephen Ministry as a Stephen Minister or care receiver, please talk with Helen Badamo, Betty Anne Bernstein, Maura Dryfoos, Deb Jones, Marty Kellow, Russ Nyblade, Anita Urso, or Pastor Cindy.

* ADULT FAITH FORMATION LENT 2025 - St. John Bosco Parish will have Adult Faith Formation sessions based on the Sunday readings during the Lenten season. It will be held Tuesdays beginning March 4th and continue for six weeks through April 8th. There will be two sessions: 9:15am and 6:30pm in the multi-purpose room. Pre-register by contacting the parish office at 570-788-1997, ext.3 and give your name, phone number, e-mail and which session you plan on attending.

* COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVE - American Red Cross Blood Drive will be held here on Tuesday March 18th from 1pm-6pm. Call 1_800-RED CROSS (1-800_733-2767 or visit and enter: Conyngham to schedule an appointment. Also see the scans on the poster on the bulletin board in the vestibule
* ST. JOHN BOSCO MUSIC MINISTRY - All are welcome! St. John Bosco Church, Conyngham, is hosting a Lenten Mission retreat on Saturday, March 29th, 2025. Sarah Hart, a Grammy-nominated songwriter, composer, producer, and worship leader, will lead the, “Into the Desert” retreat from 9 am to noon. The retreat will offer faith-focused reflections and Sarah’s inspirational music. Tickets are $25 and include a continental breakfast and luncheon. At 6 PM on Sunday, March 30, Sarah will perform a free concert at the church. Voluntary donations are welcomed to support the SJB Music Ministry. For registration or inquiries, contact Jen Gerhard, SJB Choir Director,  at or Joanne Oakum at To learn more about Sarah visit   
SYNOD NEWS - Click Here! for weekly news from the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod. 
