News and Announcements:    

Calendar of Events for the Week of July 21, 2024:
Monday - 5:30pm - Karate
Tuesday - 
Wednesday - 7:00pm - Bible Study
Thursday - 5:30pm - Karate
Friday - 
Saturday -   

"GOD'S WORK. OUR HANDS." T-SHIRT ORDERS - Please use the signup sheet to order “God’s Work. Our Hands.” t-shirts. We are asking adults to cover the cost of the shirts at $12.95 apiece, while the church will sponsor all kids’ shirts. Orders must be placed by Sunday, Aug. 11 so that we receive them in time for Sunday School Rally Day on Sept. 8. These shirts are 100% cotton with the ELCA logo and our church name on the back. We will wear our shirts for all community projects
 more news coming soon on what we have planned!

APPLE FEST MEETING - A meeting will be held Thursday August 1st at 10am to plan the upcoming Apple Fest. Anyone who has helped in the past or wished to join in is invited to join us. If you can’t make the meeting and wish to participate, contact Sue Oliver or Cindy Derr.

BOUNTIFUL GARDENS - The table to share your Bountiful Gardens produce is in the parlor. Individuals with extra produce from their gardens can leave it on the table before the Saturday or Sunday church services. If you would like any of the produce, we are asking for a free will donation which will be given to the Valley Food Pantry, along with any extra produce.  When leaving your produce, please put it on the table in the parlor and NOT in the shopping cart.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL - VBS is planned for the week of August 5th – 9th from 9am-Noon each day. Children age 4 through completed 4th grade may register. Storytime, crafts, games and refreshments make up the morning. Registration forms are on the table in the parlor or you can contact the church office. Older youth and adults are needed to help, so please consider being a part of VBS. This year’s theme is ‘What a Mess at VBS!’
"CHRISTMAS IN JULY" ON JULY 21 (9AM-10:30AM) - “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas”, well, Christmas in July, that is. This Sunday morning event will have a variety of things to do, including a visit from ‘Humphry’, the real-live camel! But what is Christmas with out cookies and gifts? That morning, we will decorate (and EAT!) cookies and assemble gift back packs with school supplies to give to children of clients of the Valley Food Pantry. Everyone is welcome to participate in this special morning and be sure to invite someone to come with you. (Rain date July 28th).

SCHOOL SUPPLIES NEEDED FOR “CHRISTMAS IN JULY” - On July 21st (rain date July 28th) we will be assembling school backpacks and we need supplies to put in them. A box is in the church parlor where you can make a donation. Monetary donations would also be appreciated. Item needed include the following:

Pens, pencils, markers, crayons, colored pencils, rulers, erasers, pencil pouches, glue stix, tablets, notebooks, pocket folders, craft scissors, small packs of tissues, small bottles of hand sanitizer.

Thanks in advance for your generosity! The backpacks will be given to the children/grandchildren of the Valley Food Pantry clients.
COOKIES NEEDED - “Christmas in July” is coming soon and what is Christmas without cookies?
Undecorated cutout cookies are needed for our celebration on July 21st at 9am (Rain date July 28th).
If you are willing to bake a dozen or two, please sign-up SOON on the sheet in the church parlor.

DON’T FORGET YOUR OFFERINGS DURING THE SUMMER MONTHS - As we move into the days of summer to relax and maybe take some travel time, the work of the church continues every day. We need your continued support, even if you are away from worship. Thanks.

WILLING WORKERS PICNIC - The Willing Workers will have their annual picnic on Tuesday evening August 13th at 5:00pm here at the church. Hamburgers, hot dogs, corn-on-the-cob, dessert and beverages will be provided. An auction will be held following the meal. Those attending are asked to bring an item or several items for the auction. We will play games and enjoy fellowship with each other. All women of the church are invited to attend. If you didn’t receive one, don’t forget to pick up your July calendar on the table in the back of the church. There is no July meeting.

SEPTEMBER NEWSLETTER - Please note the deadline for all articles, information, etc. for the September newsletter is AUGUST 18th!

VALLEY FOOD PANTRY NEWS - With summer months here and school over for the season, the food pantry is requesting items for the children being home: cereal, other breakfast items, Manwich, tuna, spaghetti’os, and other lunch items, snacks. Paper towels and toilet paper are always needed. Place your donations in the grocery cart in the vestibule. Thanks for helping!
DEVOTIONS ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE - Have you seen and read the devotional prayers that are posted periodically on our congregation’s Facebook page? Hopefully, when you read them, you will find encouragement and a sense of God’s peace as you go about your daily life,
LUTHERAN DISASTER RESPONSE - LDR is asking for gifts to help with the recent disasters and wars. The survivors/victims need our support. Checks may be out to the church and marked LDR.

STEPHEN MINISTRY - Stephen Ministry is available to every adult in our church community.  For care receivers, Stephen Ministry can provide:

*Comfort and support. Stephen Ministers are there to listen, offer encouragement and pray with care receivers.

*Hope and healing. Stephen Ministry can help care receivers find hope and healing during difficult times.

*A sense of community. Stephen Ministry can help care receivers feel better connected to their church community. 

If you are going through a challenging time, or if you know someone who is, please contact Deb Jones at 570-233-7675 or Pastor Cindy. Our Stephen Ministers are ready to bring God’s love and care to those in need. It’s a great way for you to show how much you care! 

SYNOD NEWS - Click Here! for weekly news from the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod. 


* CVHS Concerts at the Gazebo – July 21st, July 28th and August 11th. All concerts are at 6pm. See the poster on the bulletin board in the vestibule for more information. Bring a lawn chair or blanket for seating.

* Joe Snediker from WNEP – to raise money for St. Joseph’s Center at the Sugarloaf Twp. Municipal Building, North Main Street (just past Brainerd Church) on July 25th at 9:30am.
* Summertime Tea – Saturday July 20th at Christ Lutheran Church in Hazleton. Two seatings at 11:30am & 1:30pm. Cost is $25.00 per person. Call 570-751-6717 to make a reservation.

* Wildcat Roundup – Saturday August 24th – 11am-4pm Christ Lutheran Church Conyngham.
