Blessings Friends and families of Christ Conyngham,
I want to thank everyone for being wonderfully welcoming to me as your new pastor.  I chose to share a favorite artist with you today.  Her name is Jen Norton.  The title to this piece is All Creation sings his praise.  It exemplifies exactly how I feel about serving all of you.  The ministries that you carry out in Christ’s name are wonderful.  They are a blessed testament to the message of hope and healing that Jesus teaches and promises to us daily.  God has seen fit to lead me into a very “well-oiled machine” for the Gospel.  God’s church here in Conyngham is so alive in, with and under Christ I can feel it in the air.   I am extremely grateful.
Here is some important information In the event that you did not know ……….Saturday evening services are now at 4:30.  Sunday services are scheduled for 10:45.  Please introduce your selves to me. (if you haven’t already)  
The summer provides many reasons to gives thanks to God.  The mountains and the seashore provide some of the most beautiful views of God’s creation.  I pray that each of us has an opportunity to enjoy one of these inviting respites.  This city girl thanks God every time I come off of 81 and see the magnificent valley.  Many of you get to see it every day. Blessed are you.  
Reconnecting with loved ones has typically been a summer delight for me. I highly recommend that this is a great time to reconnect with your church.  The weather is so much kinder during this time of year.  Our gardening angels just planted joyous geraniums around the church. They are perfect for an artist’s pallet.  They greet you in vibrant color when you walk into the church. (many thanks gardening angels)  This brand, spanking new pastor requests your presence.  When God’s word is spoken, sung and preached in fellowship…….God sings as well.   I firmly believe this to be true. I look forward to meeting each and every one of you.  Please stay well and safe, read your Bibles and be kind to one another. 
Make a joyful noise onto the Lord all ye lands.  Come into his presence with thanksgiving.  Psalm 100
See you in church beloved children of God, with mutual love in Christ, P                                                                                     

